Groundwater, Subsurface Water, and Hydrogeology

Groundwater and Subsurface Water

Survey of groundwater resources, hot springs, and groundwater

Drilling and development of artesian wells, hot springs, and groundwater

Design, construction, and installation of a complete underground water supply system

Drilling and construction of groundwater and subsurface water observation wells

Construction of a system for adding water to the groundwater and subsurface water layers


Geological and hydrogeological survey work to assess the potential of groundwater and subsurface water resources, prepare a hydrogeological map, groundwater map, the direction of groundwater flow map, and other maps related

Hydrogeological survey, hydrogeochemistry, groundwater sampling, and analyze groundwater samples to prepare hydrogeochemical data, groundwater quality map, and other related maps

Hydrogeological survey work, collect data on groundwater wells, shallow wells, subsurface water wells, and surface water, to conserve and restore groundwater and groundwater resources, and to design the addition of water to the groundwater and groundwater layers